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Understanding Fungi's Role in Healing

Updated: Dec 22, 2024

By Jenny Peterson

We have been led to believe that fungus is bad and that we must kill it to address it. I don’t know about you but from what I see, this theory isn’t the most effective.

What if fungus was actually a good thing? What if you didn’t have to work so hard to avoid having it in your body? What if it was here as part of your body's own natural healing process?

In a world where we are surrounded by fear of our own bodies' biological processes, if we simply shifted the meaning and understanding of what role fungus has, imagine the effects it would have. Today, I’m here to present you with this new meaning in the hopes that it will help you build a stronger relationship with your body rather than a fear of it. 

Have you ever walked through the woods and saw a rotting log with fungus attached to it? Even if you have never seen this, would you consider this a good or bad thing? Would you say, I should remove that fungus from that tree because its killing it! Its bad for the forest, I have to kill it and get rid of it! 

Now, whether you really understand what that fungus is doing on the rotting log or not, I would hope that you would consider it part of nature and leave it alone. 

Now, let's imagine you have ringworm on your arm, would your reaction be the same? To just leave it alone and consider it part of nature's way of healing? Probably not.

The reason most people wouldn’t look at ringworm and not freak out is based on the programming that has been shoved down our throats. Most of us are taught to have negative perceptions around fungus and bacteria from both the medical and holistic worlds. 


In the medical world, fungus and bacteria are bad guys and need to be killed. You’ll be given anti-fungal and anti-bacterial creams to kill them. Now, this is very similar in the holistic world but I think it's also taken to a deeper level. 

We are told to stay away from yeast and sugar foods so we don’t get candida. We are told that candida is always present when someone has cancer, so make sure to eat those alkaline foods to prevent or treat the cancer. We are told to make sure to do a candida detox regularly so you can avoid getting fungus conditions. 

This level of perception, in my opinion, is fear based. It's coming from a lack of understanding on what fungus is and us being taught to do all this stuff to prevent getting this “bad thing”. We have to do all this work so this bad fungus doesn’t invade our body, cause cancer and kill us. 

Ugh, I remember those days and it was exhausting trying to make sure all my ducks were in line to avoid candida. 


I’m here to tell you my friends that it's really not this complicated. We’ve done a damn good job complicating the shit out of the biological processes of our body. It hasn’t served us and its time to bring it back to simplicity and biology. 

Microbes have been our faithful companions for a long time. Our body is riddled with them down to the very last cell. Since the beginning, we’ve lived in perfect synergy with them. Without them, we would fall stone dead on the spot. 

Dr. Hamer found that the three microbial species (fungus, bacteria, virus) are controlled by different brain regions. Fungi and bacteria are the oldest microbes. They work exclusively on organs and tissues that originate from the endoderm (controlled from the brainstem) and the old mesoderm (controlled from the cerebellum). 

From those regions, they receive their “orders” for targeted operations. This army is sent out at specific times as the clean up crew during the healing phase. They are little micro-surgeons that can expertly break down excess tissue following the conclusion of a conflict.⁣

Think about it, if someone was investigating the cause of fires and they came up with the conclusion that because the fire department was there, they must be the ones that started the fire, it would sound crazy right? Firefighters are there to extinguish the fire, the clean up crew. Fungi and bacteria do the same. They “put out fires” and optimize healing. They are not to blame for disease. 


So let's talk about how this works in the body. I’m going to give 2 examples, one with ringworm and the other with cancer, but first I want to start with the basics. 

When you experience a situation that you are unable to process, and you subconsciously feel unsafe, aka a conflict, your body is programmed to adapt for survival. 

While you are in a sympathetic state, ruminating about the situation, your brain is programmed to release cells, proliferate or break them down. 

Once you move from sympathetic state to parasympathetic state, meaning you have resolved the situation in your mind, the brain gives the command to start the clean up. Fungus or bacteria will remove the cells that are no longer required or start building cells back up depending on the organ involved. 


Let's say a person experiences a situation that they perceived as being attacked, ugly or gross. In response, the body will start building up cells; essentially to build up protection because, according to your brain, you have been attacked. It's doing this to help you adapt and survive. The cells are multiplying. This is going on behind the scenes and nothing can be seen on the skin at this time.

Then, the person resolves the situation and proliferation stops. This is when the brain gives the command to send in the troops in to break down these extra cells. In this case, fungus comes in to clean up the area. 

This is when you will visibly see ringworm on your skin. This means that you are in the healing phase. This isn’t the time to kill the fungus, it's there doing its job. 



In the case of cancer, all cancers that grow during the conflict phase stop growing as soon as the related conflict is resolved. During the healing phase, the now tumors are broken down and removed naturally with the help of fungi, like candida, or TB bacteria. This is the reason why fungi and/or TB bacteria are always present in certain cancers; to be precise, exclusively in cancers which are controlled from the "old brain" (brainstem and cerebellum).

Since the activity of fungi is always an indication that the cancer is in the process of being naturally removed, there is no reason for trying to “destroy“ them. Any kind of interruption of the natural biological repair process stops the tumor breakdown with the result that the cancer stays in place. 

If the required microbes are not available upon the resolution of the conflict because they were destroyed through an overuse of antibiotics, the growth encapsulates and stays in place without further cell division. In conventional medicine, this is usually diagnosed as a “benign cancer” or as a polyp. 


So, when you experience a fungal infection, is the answer to do nothing? This will depend on your level of experience and understanding, along with the severity of the situation. This is why it's important to work with an experienced practitioner. 

For me personally, if I or a member of my family experiences a fungus symptom, I let it go for a few weeks because it is not a life threatening situation. I know that a situation has been resolved and that it's healing. Sometimes, it's very obvious what happened that caused it, sometimes it's not. I don’t feel it's necessary to dig into it at this point because it's resolved and I just need to keep my head in the right lane. I don’t feel it's healthy to play detective for everything that is happening in my body. If I trust my body and keep my head in the right lane, that is most of the time all that is needed. Playing detective when not needed only brings on more confusion, frustration and unnecessary stress around the situation. 

I know to expect things to be uncomfortable, some inflammation, swelling and maybe even some oozing. These are to be expected as part of the healing phase. I would support my body's healing by ensuring I’m eating good amounts of protein, staying hydrated and resting. I may apply something natural to ease the process or discomfort, something that doesn’t interrupt the healing, just like how I addressed my son’s impetigo. If you want to read that story, find it here

If, after a few weeks, it doesn’t show signs of healing or the healing suddenly stops, then I know I need to dig into it. Again, I know that this situation is not life threatening and I feel comfortable with this process. What I’m describing to you is just an example. This would be a very different situation if it was cancer in that there is a lot more involved and healing time will be dramatically different. 

If healing ceases, then I know that there are possible tracks or triggers that I need to address. Again, that will be very individual. Remedies for cleaning up the fungus are really only effective when we know that all tracks, triggers and the situations are resolved. 


Biological laws allow us to understand and work with nature instead of working against it.⁣ So, just as fungus breaks down decaying wood in the forest, fungus in our bodies break down extra cells for us. They are there for our help. They're seasonal workers. The bacteria and fungus are only active when they are needed, when the brain instructs them to activate. Not because we ate a cookie with sugar or a piece of bread with yeast. We don’t need to be in fear of this biological process. Instead, we can understand it, support it and allow our bodies to do what they are designed to do. 

These survival programs are wired into our bodies, I think they deserve some respect and we should be listening to them rather than fearing or ignoring their important role. I hope this helps you have a better understanding of the role that fungus plays in your healing and you can look at your symptoms with a healthier perspective. 


Jenny Peterson is the founder and CEO of Mind Body Rewire (MBR). She teaches those that are overwhelmed with trying to heal chronic symptoms how to simplify their healing by focusing on just one place, the subconscious mind. Learn more about MBR here.


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