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The Root Cause to Seasonal Allergies

Updated: Dec 22, 2024

By Jenny Peterson

Having seasonal allergies can take the joy out of seasons of the year that are filled with activities we love. 

If you have been experiencing seasonal allergies, or really any allergy, you are either given meds to stop the symptoms, told you have a weak immune system or told you need to change your diet and detox your gut to get rid of them. 

None of these are getting to the root cause. As with all symptoms that happen in our body, there is a biological reason for why your body is having this reaction. In simple terms, your body is doing this for survival. 

Let's go over the root cause of seasonal allergies so you can understand why it's happening and what you can do about it. 


Let's take a brief moment to look at allergies from a medical perspective.  According to them, allergies occur when your immune system reacts to a foreign substance. 

Your immune system produces substances known as antibodies. When you have allergies, your immune system makes antibodies that identify a particular allergen as harmful, even though it isn't. When you come into contact with the allergen, your immune system's reaction can inflame your skin, sinuses, airways or digestive system.

The severity of allergies varies from person to person and can range from minor irritation to anaphylaxis — a potentially life-threatening emergency. While most allergies can't be cured, treatments can help relieve your allergy symptoms.

This is the medical view of allergies. The holistic world then makes things even more confusing because there isn’t one thing that is the root cause. It could be parasites, it could be that you need to detox, the microbiome of your gut could be the blame, or it could be EMF’s, chemicals in your environment and so on. It's no wonder people are confused. 


I’m here to help you simplify this whole thing. If you have been following me for a while you most likely know what’s coming here, I’m going to tell you that allergies start in your subconscious. Yes, that is absolutely true, but I feel that an explanation is always helpful to get the full understanding. So let's dive into that. 

We are led to believe that when you are exposed to an allergen and you have a reaction to it, that you are allergic to that substance. While this may feel true, its not the actual substance that is the problem. 

There is a biological meaning that has evolved over eons of time that is consistent in all plants, animals and humans. There is one thing in common with all life, the desire to survive. In us humans, our subconscious is always on the look out for threats to our survival. As soon as the subconscious gives a message to the body that there is a threat, the body goes into action, ensuring survival. 

This is exactly what an allergic reaction to anything is. Whether it be food, pollen, grass, pets, etc. It's all the same. A biological response to a threat. It's biological because we are biologically wired for survival. 

Allergies are what we call subconscious tracks. These tracks get formed when your brain makes an association with the environment and something like an unexpected situation or event. During the event, the subconscious will actually record whatever food, pollen, grass, animal, etc., that was in the environment when the event occurred. When we experience an unexpected situation or event, our mind is acutely aware of everything. Highly alert, our subconscious picks up all components that surround the situation such as smells, tastes, sounds, objects, or people and stores them until the conflict is completely resolved.

If you experience a shocking event that feels like a threat to your subconscious, it sometimes blames something within those senses as the “bad guy”. So if pollen is in the air when someone tells you some shocking news, it links these two together, not knowing that pollen is NOT the bad guy. It links these two together by association out of protection. It says “this needs to be flagged in our system because it feels threatening, it's a risk to our survival.” 

Just like that, an allergy can be formed. This is why you can go years without having a reaction to something and then, all of a sudden, form an allergy to it. 

Additional tracks can then be formed from this. A person may be told that they could become allergic to more things due to their existing allergy, so they start fearing being exposed to grass or mold. This fear itself feels unsafe to the body, or like a threat, and it then becomes allergic to those things as well. This is just an example. Tracks will be very individual but often times they are rooted in fear- which then creates an association in the brain. A person that is on high alert all the time is not going to send a message of safety to the body. 

The symptoms of the allergy are just a physical expression of a deeper message from the subconscious. Its an indication that something is unresolved in the mind, which is sending a message to the body that it's not safe. Remember that not feeling safe is a perception and doesn't have to be about physically feeling safe. Not feeling good enough emotionally isn’t going to feel safe to the brain because if you are not strong enough, you risk your survival. It's no different than if you physically couldn’t swallow something. Its the same according to the brain.  

So, seasonal allergies or any allergy is a subconscious track. Your symptoms will reveal what the perception was when the event happened. 

If you have sinus issues, it would indicate that you viewed a situation or event as it physically stunk or emotionally stunk. If you have a sore throat, it was something that was hard to swallow, physically or emotionally. If you break out in a rash, it would indicate something around separation. 

The symptom is the connection to the body system and brain location, based on the perception. Our perception is what tells the subconscious, am I safe or not safe. The body system that is activated is back to how we perceived the situation and how our body can adapt to survive. For example, If we didn’t feel strong enough, our muscles and bones will adapt to make us stronger. 

So you might be asking at this point, if someone has allergies for 10 or more years and they are no longer in that situation, why does the body still have a reaction? 

Again, we have to look at the role of the subconscious. It's designed to protect us. So, if there is still a reaction to pollen, grass, mold, etc. then the subconscious still thinks it's a threat. On a subconscious level the situation hasn’t been resolved. There is still an association to that substance in the brain where it's perceived as a threat. 

You don’t have to be thinking about this situation consciously to have a reaction, this is subconscious. You could be 40 years old and have had pollen allergies since you were 10, but are no longer in that situation that caused the allergy. The problem is that the subconscious doesn’t know time, all it knows is survival and what it has programmed out of protection. 

When it's summer time and the pollen is high, you walk outside and immediately your subconscious goes, hey that’s that bad guy that was a threat to our survival. It then activates that track in your subconscious that was created based on the association that was made at the time of the event. You have your symptoms of a stuffy nose because that is how your body is adapting to that threat. 

As long as this situation, as well as any other tracks that resemble the situation continue, the allergy remains. 

Why does one person react differently to environmental substances compared to someone else? It all depends on the person's perception of the stressful event. The symptoms give us the clue as to what the perception was, which gives us answers to resolving the allergies. 


By now you are probably asking, how do we resolve the subconscious patterns connected to allergies?

This is where detective work is needed. Every situation will be different, there isn’t a black and white answer but there are basic steps to follow. 

Identification of the situation that caused the allergy is the most ideal. Resolving that situation means that you will need to communicate to your subconscious that you are safe, which is going to involve a new perception of the event. Just telling yourself that you are safe is not enough. Remember the perception is what caused it, so that has to be changed. 

When people have allergies for many, many years, it takes a little more detective work and specific questions to dig into the subconscious may be needed to find the connections. 

Breaking the association in the brain is sometimes all you need to do. It really depends how many tracks are connected. Breaking the association means that you communicate to the subconscious that a particular substance is safe. You hold something that has pollen in your hand, and tell your subconscious that its safe. If you have severe allergies, you may need to put these things in plastic bags and slowly work yourself up to holding it in your bare hands. Thinking of things that make you happy while holding this and telling your subconscious that its safe, smiling, etc. are all sending messages of safety to your subconscious regarding the substance. 

Again, I can’t guarantee that breaking this association is the only thing you will need to do. For some, more areas need to be covered. If a person has a lot of limited beliefs or fears regarding the exposure or the substance or their body, those also need to be addressed. You have to look at all that is influencing these patterns and there is more to it than what you consciously see. The marketing that you hear and see on the radio, how you prepare yourself for the season and talk to yourself regarding that time are also factors. 

When we work with clients with seasonal allergies in MBR we cover all bases: memory work, fears, thoughts, beliefs and breaking the association, just to be sure. How much programming around the situation and the willingness to let go of that old programming will influence your success. 

If you have seasonal allergies you no longer need to suffer. I personally have done this work myself and I no longer have the watery eyes and sinus issues that I used to get in spring time. My son who also used to have horrible allergies, no longer has them.  The theory that some people outgrow them isn’t really true. It simply means that the situation that was connected to the allergy and the tracks has been resolved. Most people don’t even know that they have resolved something, it's below their conscious awareness if they don’t know this work. 

The process to resolving seasonal allergies is fairly simple when you know how the subconscious works and how to reprogram it. We can help you be allergy free by providing the exact steps and one on one targeted work that you need. You will have it resolved faster with our step-by-step process than trying to connect all these dots on your own. 

Learn more about working with the Mind Body Rewire team here.


Jenny Peterson is the founder and CEO of Mind Body Rewire (MBR). She teaches those that are overwhelmed with trying to heal chronic symptoms how to simplify their healing by focusing on just one place, the subconscious mind. Learn more about MBR here.


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